transport guru stands down

One of the original founders of, Ian Hodson, has decided to retire from editing the Local Travel section of the site.

Ian has performed this role from the very start of, but changing times and the way information is shared have forced him to re-think the value of this part of the site.

I’d like to thank Ian for all the time and effort he’s put into making a success, and hope he’ll continue to feed through snippets of information whenever he has anything to share.

Ian describes his reasoning in his own words in the message below:-

I have contributed local travel information to this site throughout its existence, but nowadays operators have made it very easy to obtain accurate, up-to-date information at source. This is therefore my last contribution.

Local bus information is available via or from individual operators, e.g. who also have various apps indicating next bus arrivals and allowing on-line ticket purchase.

Train information is available on      Again, apps are offered for current info and for booking.

I am very grateful to Ian Keeton who operates  and has tolerated my  ignorance of matters technical through the years. Thank you, Ian.

Good travelling!

Ian Hodson