The Lost Men of Bishopthorpe
Finding their Stories
Ken Haywood’s book telling the stories of the men who are commemorated on Bishopthorpe’s War Memorial was published in November, 2017.
In the process of completing the research on the men, Ken became aware of a number of other Bishopthorpe men from both wars who died as a result of service with the Forces but who were not commemorated on the village memorial.
However, as a result of the publication of ‘The Lost Men of Bishopthorpe’, the Parish Council committed to adding the additional names to the War Memorial by the time of the centenary of the end of the First World War in November last year. The work took place in the second part of October, 2018, and the work was completed in time for Remembrance Sunday on the 11th November. The following photographs were taken while the memorial was being cleaned and the names added.

On Monday the 18th March, 2019, the Friends of Bishopthorpe Library are hosting a talk by Ken.
He will describe how he found the stories of the men of Bishopthorpe who did not return from service in the First World War. Using examples from his book in an illustrated presentation, Ken will show how to research your own military family history.
The Lost Men of Bishopthorpe, price £10+£2 p&p [in UK], can be obtained directly from Ken at
39 Acaster Lane, Bishopthorpe, York, YO23 2SA
Tel. 01904 704584; e-mail:
The Lost Men of Bishopthorpe
Finding their stories
An illustrated talk by Ken Haywood
Monday 18th March, 19.30 hrs. (7.30 pm)
Bishopthorpe Library, Main Street
Free entry – all welcome – refreshments available