The email service is again out of action, and as before it’s due to an insecure email account being accessed and used to generate spam emails. We’ll try to restore the service as soon as possible, but in the meantime please try to ensure you keep your passwords secure and not easily guessable. email is a free service and was originally set up when few people had access to email services of any kind. In the years since then many alternatives have been made available and people have tended to switch to these other services instead, so it’s no longer a great benefit to provide free emails to the community. Because of this decline in use and the constant problems of keeping the service operational on a daily basis we are considering closing the email service. This would only happen after a period of notice to allow remaining users time to make other arrangements.
What do you think? Please let us know your views…
Update 3/11/16 11:15
Email is now back to normal
I am an avid user of bishdotnet email and would be very sad to lose it. I also think local businesses might be encouraged to use it more as it gives them a unique identity. Not many people know that it exists so maybe more publicity would be useful?
The problem won’t be solved by having more users; quite the opposite, to be honest.
The problem as stated above is that some of the users have lax security settings. When an email address that is linked to this Bish page sends out (unbeknowns to the user) spam or malware, then the hosting company closes the service down. Internet services are always supplied / sold on a contract where the contractee agrees not to send out this kind of spam.
This has, at times, also resulted in the whole of Bish(dot)net being off-line.
It cannot be restored until the web-master spends a lot of time and effort cleaning everything up and promising to the host provider that it won’t happen again. The post by the web-master on 3 November illustrates that it remains an on-going problem.
I’d like to take this opportunity to thank the web-master for providing Bish(dot)net for all these years and for all the virtual housekeeping.
Many alternatives like Gmail or Hotmail are available, all free to use. The days when I needed to pay £12 a month to Demon for my website and email address are long gone, thank goodness.
Gmail and Hotmail would probably be last on my list 😀