More Info on Sunday Bus Service

As already noted the Sunday 500 bus service is set to continue, but from 2nd April it will be following a new route. This still includes the Askham Bar Park and Ride, but the good news for Bishopthorpe passengers is that it includes a direct link to and from town, so no need to go as far as Askham Bar and switch over to the Park and Ride.
The new route is:

Woodthorpe – Askham Bar (Tesco and Park & Ride) – Sim Balk Lane – Maple Avenue – Acaster Lane Keble Park (circuit) – Acaster Lane – Bishopthorpe Rd. – Clifford St.

The return journey follows the same route in reverse except that from Clifford St. it goes via Rougier St. , York Station and Nunnery Lane to Bishopthorpe Rd.
Frequency is 70 minutes. Buses will normally be electric.
Maple Avenue passengers heading for York (direct) will need to join the bus on the side opposite the stops.
Main Street passengers for town should join on Acaster Lane just before the Main St. junction, or on Sim Balk Lane at or across from  the stop near the dentists.
Initially, the journey will be free, but it’s likely that normal fares will  be charged in the fairly near future.

Sunday Bus Service to Restart on 2 April 2017

The local Sunday bus link from York city centre, via Bishopthorpe Road and Bishopthorpe village to Askham Bar will restart on Sunday 2 April 2017.
The service will be free to all passengers initially but First York is considering registering the service, which could mean applying a charge for the fares in the future.
The more it is used, the greater the chance that it will continue.
Timetable attached.


The Million Go Forth

Early Victorian Railway Excursions

In her book, Early Victorian Railway Excursions – The Million Go Forth, Susan Major looks at the impact of cheap railway travel on the lives of ordinary people in early Victorian times.  For the first time, they were able to travel long distances from home and take part in leisure activities in great numbers.

Susan will be giving an illustrated talk about her research to The Bishopthorpe Local History Group on Tuesday, 14 March 2017 at 7.30 pm, Bishopthorpe Methodist Hall, Sim Balk Lane.


The cost to non-members is £3.50 on the door and includes light refreshments.